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Saturday, November 24, 2012 ♥
♥ 2:29 AM


♥ Princess Serene

link to post 0 Pigs flew today

Sunday, October 10, 2010 ♥
Untitled ♥ 5:13 PM

I thought it would be nice to post a blog entry after a long while. It's not that I haven't been blogging but that I had been backlogging so if you have been going into my archives from July, you would see that there are new blog entries occasionally.

It kind of works well for me that not many people read my blog anymore. It gives me a space to write my thoughts and post things that I want.

Lately, life has been a tinny bit crazy for me.

I wish I could put into words some things that I really really want to say but I don't know how to say it.
I wish I have the guts to take that leap of faith
I wish whatever I do, people will not point and judge me
I wish I know if I have chosen the right path.

I am afraid but the LORD is my fortress. I know that it is He who leadth me. I just have to BELIEVE.

♥ Princess Serene

link to post 0 Pigs flew today

Wednesday, August 18, 2010 ♥
Selfishness ♥ 1:34 PM

If everyone thinks less of themselves and care more for others, this place will be less of a hell.

I no longer know who are really my friends. It just gets too complicated when they are bitching about each other.

I feel... Very lost.

♥ Princess Serene

link to post 0 Pigs flew today

Monday, August 16, 2010 ♥
Right and wrong ♥ 11:33 PM

Even up to now, I still do not know if I had made the right decision. I hope I did because I really would want to know that this is what God wants me to do.

♥ Princess Serene

link to post 0 Pigs flew today

Saturday, July 31, 2010 ♥
Eastern states ♥ 10:30 PM

I really want to go over to the Eastern States to work one day but I do not want to be an even bigger hypocrite than I am right now.

♥ Princess Serene

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010 ♥
Villa Roma ♥ 9:28 PM

Grew my nails so Alison can paint them:) So pretty!

Because we are just that bored... we decided to go Villa Roma in Freo:)

The girls:) The waiter is cute:D Sorry got distracted with the food and tried to eat it while everyone was distracted with taking the photo:)

Fast forward to dessert.

Got drunk on water:) And Amanda being vain wore her heels. We had to walk for a bit and she was complaining so I piggybacked her. But she is too fat:P Kidding, ok I am weak alright?

I think I scared her but it was hilarious. Ah... those nights with my girlies:)

♥ Princess Serene

link to post 0 Pigs flew today

Friday, July 02, 2010 ♥
Back in Asia ♥ 10:50 PM

I had been back in Singapore for a day already but it still feels surreal that I am home:)

♥ Princess Serene

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